Saturday, August17th, 2024, 6:00 am.
Block Challenge 18-mile Open Ocean Paddle. Each paddler must raise or contribute a minimum of $1,500 to participate.
This paddle will begin at 6:00 am and will take approximately six hours.
There is also the option of registering as a two-person relay team. Both members must donate or raise a minimum of $1,500 ($3,000 total per team.) Team members determine how far and how often each member will paddle before handing off to their teammate. Support will be provided for the handoff. Contact us for more relay details
Montauk, NY to Block Island, RI. A distance of approximately 18 miles, this is an open ocean crossing. The start of the paddle begins on the north side of the Montauk Lighthouse and ends at the Narragansett Inn on Block Island.
5:30am Check-in and final instructions
6:00 am Launch
1:00 pm Post-event celebration
5:00 pm Return to Montauk, courtesy of the Montauk-Block Island Ferry
Conditions of Entry
It is suggested that participants have completed at least a 10-mile paddle within the last 12 months.
Kayaks and paddleboards. All paddlers in kayaks must wear a life preserver, and all paddlers on paddle boards must wear a life preserver and have a leash attached to their paddle board. NO EXCEPTIONS! Email for more information.
Entry Form and Minimum Donation Deadline
August 16th, 2024. Please do not forget to sign and include waivers and release.
Participant’s Information
Participants under 18 yrs old must submit a signed parental statement.
All athletes and support boat captains must attend the mandatory pre-event briefing on Friday, August 16th, 2024 at 5:00 pm. We will distribute race packets to all competitors and give our final paddle instructions and updates.
Please bring a change of warm comfortable clothes in a dry bag marked clearly with your name to the pre-event briefing. These bags will be placed on the morning ferry to Block Island and be available to you at the completion of the event.
All paddlers must wear the official Paddlers for Humanity jersey during the entire event.
All participants must carry adequate water, food and beverages needed to complete a 6-hour paddle.
On the north side of the Montauk Lighthouse, 2 orange buoys will mark the start. In the new harbor at Block Island, orange buoys will guide you to the finish.
For safety reasons, a participant must stop while getting supplies from a support boat.
Any paddler more than 200 yards behind the group will be towed forward to join the others to ensure the safety of all the paddlers. There will be no exceptions to this rule.
Participants must stop and give assistance to any person in danger while waiting for assistance. You must respect the environment, the ocean, the beach, other competitors, and the volunteers.
Entry fee includes race day boat support, event Lycra®, event tee, post-event party and ferry ride back to Montauk after party.
Training Tips
Paddle at least 2 to 3 times per week for a minimum of 1 to 2 hours per session. Do this for a 3-month period (May, June, July.)
By mid-June, plan a minimum of 3 to 4 paddles that are at least 3 to 4 hours long. These paddles should be well supported with food, drink, and sun protection.
1 to 2 yoga classes a week will keep your body flexible and strong.
It is essential to paddle in rough conditions whenever possible. Don't let bad weather stop you from experiencing an invigorating paddle!
Training Gear
Cell phone in a waterproof bag
Life preserver
Bilge pump (if kayaking)
Paddle float (if kayaking, to get back into your kayak in the event of an accidental capsize)
Extra paddle
Paddle leash (if on a standup or prone board)
Water bottles
Healthy snacks: nuts, dried fruit, energy bars, chia seeds
Comfortable paddle shorts
Lightweight Lycra and fleece shirt
Brimmed sun hat